These exhibit graphics are FREE to museums, libraries, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens and more!

Coral Reefs: Nurseries of the Sea

Go under the sea to experience the lively metropolis of the coral reef! This exhibit will enrich the mind with the colors and variety of one of Earth's most biodiverse ecosystems.  Learning objectives include:

Biology of Corals – Coral animals have been around since before the dinosaurs.  Learn all about this amazing creature and how they help sustain over one million species of plants and animals.

Our dependence on the reef - coral reefs prove their invaluable worth by providing everything from food and shelter to cancer-fighting medicines and more.  

Dangers to coral reefs - Coral reefs may be gone even before we can fully understand them.  Learn about the many threats facing coral reefs, including how our fascination with reefs can be harmful.

Conservation efforts - Efforts to help conserve coral reefs include large-scale initiatives and dedicated individual action.  Pick a single action from the exhibit recommendations and have a collective effect in saving this natural wonder.

Exhibit Panels:

This exhibit is made up of four panels, with proportions that may not be changed: Nurseries of the Sea (minimum print size 3’x4.8’), Coral are Amazing! (minimum print size 3’x3’), Coral Reefs are in Danger (minimum print size 3’x3’), and Things YOU Can Do (minimum print size 3’x3’).



Educators Guide, Activities, Reference Material and Instructions:

Enhance the experience of the exhibit when you use our Educators Guide!  The supplemental materials, including original content and activities by The Paly Foundation, as well as external resources, make you an instant expert on coral reefs and keep you in-the-know.

Click the links below to explore (if a PDF does not auto-open after clicking a link, please check your web browser's tabs or your computer's downloads folder):

Educators Guide:


How To Host This Exhibit:

To request this exhibit’s graphics or if you have additional questions regarding the exhibit, please complete the form below. We will contact you within 48 hours to work out the details. Please review our Exhibit License Agreement (if the Agreement PDF does not auto-open after clicking on the link, please check your web browser's tabs or your computer's downloads folder). Fields marked with an asterisk (*) require an entry.

The Paly Foundation focuses on educational efforts that highlight the importance of conserving and protecting diverse natural habitats and wildlife populations.